What An Apostille Is Exactly?
Literally translated, the word means Clarification or authentication. An Apostille simply is a government showing that a document can be used in a foreign country. It is like an international Notary.
Why does each US State treat the Apostille process in a different manner?
According to the Apostille Treaty of 1961, each state can issue an Apostille for their citizens. This helps cut down on the amount of work the Federal Secretary of State office has to deal with on a daily basis. Each Apostille has to be approved by the individual State Secretary.
What is Apostille Treaty?
This is a treaty that was signed at The Hague Convention in the Netherlands. This convention was formed to help create an international law covering important documents from different countries. These documents can have an Apostille added to signify they are official and authentic.
What documents are covered by an Apostille?
Most important documents can have an Apostille added. These include marriage certificates, death certificates, birth certificates, educational degrees, diplomas and other official documents. This is made for US Nationals going to other countries and the nationals of other countries coming to the USA.
If an Apostille is like a Notary, why do I need a Notary on some documents?
It is the difference between domestic authentication and authentication for other countries. Notary is domestic, an Apostille is international. Some documents still need a notary for domestic affairs while they need an Apostille for international.
In El Paso, Texas what do I need to have an Apostille put on my educational papers?
Each educational document must be an official extract of the original document and not a copy. The only documents that will be accepted have to have a notary when the documents are issued or an official registrar for the school must sign the document that is going out.
Why do I need an Apostille service in El Paso, Texas?
The El Paso, Texas notary and Apostille process is a bit convoluted. Going through the statues that govern how a document can have an official Apostille applied to it isn’t easy. There are different statues that concern different documents. A person that isn’t familiar with the process will want help. Any documents that don’t follow the right procedures will be returned. An Apostille El Paso service will know what to send when and also answer any question asked. This can be a major help for those just encountering the Apostille process in Texas.
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